Saturday, April 05, 2008

How can I help my child develop healthy eating habits?

• Don't overfeed your baby. Watch for cues that she's full.

• Don't try to make your child eat food he doesn't like. Respect her preferences and avoid power struggles over food.

• Try to provide a balance of protein, carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables. Use sweets, salts, and fats in moderation.

• Avoid fast food for as long as possible.

• Don't bribe or reward your child with food. Instead, offer plenty of hugs, kisses, and attention.

• Feed your baby in his highchair whenever possible, rather than in front of the television or on the go.

Remember to feed your baby with a balanced diet as well. Ensure that the nutrients that you provide for your baby is balanced, and not skewed to only certain preferences. :-)

Post written by my mum, with permission from me. If not, she cannot even log in into my account. That's how I protective I am of my blog. :-)

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